Everyone has the right to a good education.

Education is not a privilege. It is a human right and must be legally guaranteed for all. Everyone has the obligation to protect, respect and to fulfill the right to education with equal opportunities for all no matter what their race, ethnic background, religion, gender, or whether they are rich or poor, citizen or non-citizen.

Education is a basic human right that works to raise societies out of poverty, level inequalities and ensure sustainable development. 258 million children and youth worldwide are still out of school due to social, economic and cultural reasons.
Education is one of the most powerful tools in lifting excluded children and adults out of poverty and is a stepping stone to other fundamental human rights.

The right to quality education is already firmly rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international legal instruments, the majority of which are the result of the work of UNESCO and the United Nations. Unfortunately, many members of society are still facing the reality of not getting a good education.

Welcome to Tess Initiative.

where we offer an opportunity for education.

We are a leading society-based education support and information service initiative. We campaign, search and present an opportunity for education to members of society who are financially challenged in pursuit of a good education.
This initiative believes that anyone can contribute to this campaign, and by working together, we can make a difference in someone's life at any level of educational.

Here’s why education support is important.

  • Education support provides an opportunity for members of society to earn an education. Without assistance from an outside source, students may have trouble paying for their tuition.
  • Education support helps students to have more time to focus on their studies. Research shows that working students can spend more than 15 hours per week at work. this becomes an obstacle to academic success. For many students, the stresses of working make it difficult for them to graduate on time, or graduate with the high grades they have the potential to achieve. For other students, the work/study life is unsustainable, and they discontinue their studies altogether.
  • Education support can fill the gap. Education assistance can support students who fall in the gap between high and low-income levels, students who may not qualify for a need-based assistance and who do not meet the criteria for a merit-based assistance. Education support also reduces the number and amount of loans students need to take to complete college.

Why Support Education?

There are plenty of reasons to Support Education, and for many people it is a very personal choice.
But here are just a few reasons why you may want to consider supporting education.

  1. It is a reason close to your hearts
  2. There are so many entities out there doing incredible work to help those who need it. And we all have different causes that strike a chord with us. Maybe what an entity does means more to you due to your own personal experiences, or perhaps you just feel very strongly about those they are helping. For us?, We know that education is the key to success and everyone deserves a right to a good education. This is why we continue to campaign to support members in society.

  3. You help make a difference
  4. When you choose to Support Education - no matter how big or small your support is - you’re helping to make a real difference. Entities like "we" can carry out their crucial work, thanks to the generosity of people like you. And when you support a cause you care about, you’ll know that your decision to support is making a tangible impact on the lives of those the entity helps.

  5. Every offer makes an impact
  6. No matter how much you can afford to give as a one-off, your support matters. Every support received adds up and helps entities get to work and make a positive difference. Whatever your support, we are always grateful.

  7. Giving benefits society’s neediest and most vulnerable
  8. Often the people in society who are in need are the most overlooked. Society and governments aren’t set up to protect everyone who needs it. That’s why entities are here to fill the gaps and provide dedicated resources to help the most vulnerable. For students, they rely on their parents or caretakers to give them a good education, guidance, and access to life’s necessities. Sadly for many, this isn’t the case. This is why we’re here for every child and young person to listen and extend a hand. Continue